Monday, November 29, 2010

Persuasion or Confusion?

I. Last week I asked What is the difference between the way soldiers are view now and how they were view in the Vietnam War. These good soldiers went off to fight because they believed they were protecting their country. It was quite sometime before word leaked back to the soldiers that the U.S. made a mistake by being in this war. Some soldiers were angry, while others had to stick with the old "blood and guts of war belief" because if they faltered in their beliefs then the whole war was for not and loss of many American soldiers would also be for not. When the soldiers came home they were met with "baby killers" and even had some people spitting at them. They were shocked, bewildered and saddened. Not only did many men come back with loss of limbs, blind, but also spiritually and mentally broken. Some managed to find jobs, while others had an extremely difficult time adjusting to civilian life. Many formed groups to fight for the right of honor for fighting the Vietnam War and they did win some recognition. There are still Vietnam Vets who suffer from terrible nightmares and find it difficult to function in civilian life.
N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>.

II. This week in  class we watched a video on advertisers and how they plan commercials to appeal to people. It was showing how some advertisements have nothing to even do with what there selling. One example was a part of delta airlines called song. Their commercials most of the time you couldn't tell what song even was.
I find It silly to advertise in a way when the commercials over I don't even know what the product is. It may be the funniest or most feel good commercial on earth but if people don't know what your selling it's not going any good. Song ended up going out of business because for some reason their commercials of laughing people running through a meadow did sell tickets to their airline. Companies that do sell their products are the ones the can mix the feel good feeling with the actual product, not a random scene with the products name at the end.
One example I found of good advertising would be the Allstate insurance commercials. Not only are the comical but you can also remember what they are advertising.  Another example of good advertising would be the E trade commercials They also have been able to combined comedy and still know what the product is.
III. How long did it take Song to go out of business?

Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>.
Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sometimes all it takes is a handshake to change a life

I. last week I asked what countries don't have free speech?  Most countries have some provision for Freedom of Speech in the laws or constitutions. However, nearly every country has limitations on free speech. Several countries are notable for an extreme lack of free speech: Iran, North Korea, Nepal, and Myanmar are all examples. People are often executed in these countries for speaking out. Many other countries have severe restrictions on certain types of speech. Most Muslim countries, for example, do not tolerate speech demeaning Islam. Malaysia does not permit denigration of any religion.
"Which countries do not have freedom of speech?." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.

II. This week in class we watched a movie called "The Way We Get By". It was about older adults who live in Maine and go to the air port every time there's a plane coming in or out holding People in the military. They were called the Troop Greeters. They would wait at the exit ramp to greet the troops coming home or leaving.
I thought the Troop Greeters were the most adorable people I have ever seen. The video was very sad at some part though. There was a man who could barely afford his own house but he still would get up anytime in the day to greet the troops. The Greeters would have their cell phones in a room for any of the troops to use to call their families. I hope when I'm older I do something good like these people.
These people are unbelievable. On the day Bill found out he had cancer, he was still the first one to the airport. Joan was afraid to go out after dark. Three knee operations forced her to use a walker, leaving her fearful of falling. But she goes to see plane anytime day or night. Jerry can usually be found parked near the airport runway. Sitting in his truck with his dog and best friend, Mr. Flannigan, he watches for troop planes overhead. When he spots one, if he's fast enough, he can be inside the airport before the wheels touch the ground. With troop greeting, Jerry's goal is simple-put a smile on each soldier's face. This small act helps him cope with the tragic death of his son.
III. What is the difference between the way soldiers are view now and how they were view in the Vietnam War.

n. pag. Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.
Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.  

"Which countries do not have freedom of speech?." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Theres a reason we have free speech

I. How many people went to see Michael Moore that day? In the video it tells us that the show was sold out; meaning some people did actually want to hear what he had to say. To tell Michael Moore not to come would be like telling those students their opinions didn't matter. During the 2004 campaign, Michael Moore visited some 20 college campuses. He wasn't just going to Utah to cause a problem.

Calling Michael Moore and Ann Coulter . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010. <

II. This week in class we finished the movie "Divided State". The student council in charge of inviting Michael Moore didn't back down even though they we threatened, bribed, and sued. They believed it was only fair to show both side of the political spectrum. They weren't going to not bring Michael Moore because some people didn't like we he had to say.
In my opinion they did the right thing. To not let Michael Moore come would be like taking away free speech. However why they couldn't have picked to speakers a little more to do with politics I don't know. Michael Moore is a movie director in my opinion bashing America and Sean Hannity who was a radio and television host, neither of them had much to do with politics.
We are lucky enough that our country has freedom of speech. The are other countries when discussing certain topics is punishable. To stop a speaker that was invited would be no better than any of those countries. Some people in Utah need to remember Utah was founded on people who wanted to keep their freedom.

III. What countries don't have free speech?

"Sean Hannity." N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010.
Web. 3 Nov 2010. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010. <

Calling Michael Moore and Ann Coulter . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010. <