Monday, November 29, 2010

Persuasion or Confusion?

I. Last week I asked What is the difference between the way soldiers are view now and how they were view in the Vietnam War. These good soldiers went off to fight because they believed they were protecting their country. It was quite sometime before word leaked back to the soldiers that the U.S. made a mistake by being in this war. Some soldiers were angry, while others had to stick with the old "blood and guts of war belief" because if they faltered in their beliefs then the whole war was for not and loss of many American soldiers would also be for not. When the soldiers came home they were met with "baby killers" and even had some people spitting at them. They were shocked, bewildered and saddened. Not only did many men come back with loss of limbs, blind, but also spiritually and mentally broken. Some managed to find jobs, while others had an extremely difficult time adjusting to civilian life. Many formed groups to fight for the right of honor for fighting the Vietnam War and they did win some recognition. There are still Vietnam Vets who suffer from terrible nightmares and find it difficult to function in civilian life.
N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>.

II. This week in  class we watched a video on advertisers and how they plan commercials to appeal to people. It was showing how some advertisements have nothing to even do with what there selling. One example was a part of delta airlines called song. Their commercials most of the time you couldn't tell what song even was.
I find It silly to advertise in a way when the commercials over I don't even know what the product is. It may be the funniest or most feel good commercial on earth but if people don't know what your selling it's not going any good. Song ended up going out of business because for some reason their commercials of laughing people running through a meadow did sell tickets to their airline. Companies that do sell their products are the ones the can mix the feel good feeling with the actual product, not a random scene with the products name at the end.
One example I found of good advertising would be the Allstate insurance commercials. Not only are the comical but you can also remember what they are advertising.  Another example of good advertising would be the E trade commercials They also have been able to combined comedy and still know what the product is.
III. How long did it take Song to go out of business?

Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>.
Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sometimes all it takes is a handshake to change a life

I. last week I asked what countries don't have free speech?  Most countries have some provision for Freedom of Speech in the laws or constitutions. However, nearly every country has limitations on free speech. Several countries are notable for an extreme lack of free speech: Iran, North Korea, Nepal, and Myanmar are all examples. People are often executed in these countries for speaking out. Many other countries have severe restrictions on certain types of speech. Most Muslim countries, for example, do not tolerate speech demeaning Islam. Malaysia does not permit denigration of any religion.
"Which countries do not have freedom of speech?." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.

II. This week in class we watched a movie called "The Way We Get By". It was about older adults who live in Maine and go to the air port every time there's a plane coming in or out holding People in the military. They were called the Troop Greeters. They would wait at the exit ramp to greet the troops coming home or leaving.
I thought the Troop Greeters were the most adorable people I have ever seen. The video was very sad at some part though. There was a man who could barely afford his own house but he still would get up anytime in the day to greet the troops. The Greeters would have their cell phones in a room for any of the troops to use to call their families. I hope when I'm older I do something good like these people.
These people are unbelievable. On the day Bill found out he had cancer, he was still the first one to the airport. Joan was afraid to go out after dark. Three knee operations forced her to use a walker, leaving her fearful of falling. But she goes to see plane anytime day or night. Jerry can usually be found parked near the airport runway. Sitting in his truck with his dog and best friend, Mr. Flannigan, he watches for troop planes overhead. When he spots one, if he's fast enough, he can be inside the airport before the wheels touch the ground. With troop greeting, Jerry's goal is simple-put a smile on each soldier's face. This small act helps him cope with the tragic death of his son.
III. What is the difference between the way soldiers are view now and how they were view in the Vietnam War.

n. pag. Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.
Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.  

"Which countries do not have freedom of speech?." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov 2010. <>.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Theres a reason we have free speech

I. How many people went to see Michael Moore that day? In the video it tells us that the show was sold out; meaning some people did actually want to hear what he had to say. To tell Michael Moore not to come would be like telling those students their opinions didn't matter. During the 2004 campaign, Michael Moore visited some 20 college campuses. He wasn't just going to Utah to cause a problem.

Calling Michael Moore and Ann Coulter . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010. <

II. This week in class we finished the movie "Divided State". The student council in charge of inviting Michael Moore didn't back down even though they we threatened, bribed, and sued. They believed it was only fair to show both side of the political spectrum. They weren't going to not bring Michael Moore because some people didn't like we he had to say.
In my opinion they did the right thing. To not let Michael Moore come would be like taking away free speech. However why they couldn't have picked to speakers a little more to do with politics I don't know. Michael Moore is a movie director in my opinion bashing America and Sean Hannity who was a radio and television host, neither of them had much to do with politics.
We are lucky enough that our country has freedom of speech. The are other countries when discussing certain topics is punishable. To stop a speaker that was invited would be no better than any of those countries. Some people in Utah need to remember Utah was founded on people who wanted to keep their freedom.

III. What countries don't have free speech?

"Sean Hannity." N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010.
Web. 3 Nov 2010. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010. <

Calling Michael Moore and Ann Coulter . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2010. <

Monday, October 25, 2010

Who's Un-American?

I. Last week’s question was how much do the celebrities get paid to say that they eat at Subway? Unfortunately I couldn't find the answer to that question. I did however find that Michael Phelps makes $5 million in endorsements. I don't think subway gives out information like how much they pay celebrities to endorse them.

N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct 2010. <

II. This week in class we were watching a documentary about Michael Moore coming to Utah to speak at a school. Utah is a very republican state. Michael Moore coming to Utah has made the state turn chaotic. Some of the people see Michael Moore as Anti-American and don't want him to come. Other people see it as un-American to take away freedom of speech and not let him talk. Debates have been held at the school so the students can express their opinion.
I can understand why the students wouldn't want Michael Moore to come, because I wouldn't want Michael Moore to come. I do think it's unfair to band someone from coming and talking though. If the student did want to hear him then they don't have to buy tickets to see him. The school wasn't requiring the students to listen so they don't really have a reason to be angry.
One thing that was mentioned in class was that the other speaker waved his fee, and Michael Moore didn't. I do think it would make more sense if they hired some on Michael Moore side that would also wave their fees also. That way the college isn't paying one side more money. However they are paying to bring the other speaker there and they didn't say how much his private jet was going to cost.

III. How many people went to see Michael Moore that day?

Web. 25 Oct 2010. <>.
 N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct 2010. <

Sunday, October 17, 2010

End of the election

I. Last week I said, because we have not finished the movie, we don't know who’s won the office yet. So my question for today is will they let Oliver North help run the country? Not my most thought provoking question. In class we learned at the end of the movie that Oliver North did not win, and Chuck Robb did get elected.

II. This week in class we finished the movie 'The Perfect Candidate", and learned the outcome of the election. We also talked about and did a worksheet on the principles of propaganda. We learned about using "Word games”, “False Connections”, “Special Appeals", and "Logical Fallacies". And discussed were these were used in daily life.
     Though I was happy with the outcome of the election, I was a little surprised. Because the movie was shot from what seemed to be Oliver North's side, I assumed it was because he had won the election. It was a pleasant surprise when it turned out that he hadn’t one. In the movie Oliver North's advisers were making comment that he had won the "Morality Vote". This statement made no sense to me. I couldn't understand why they thought that because Oliver North admitted to secretly selling arms to Iran he was a good man. He still did it! They were saying that Chuck Robb was a worse man because he cheated on is wife. While I never condone cheating on your spouse I don’t think you can compare that to what North did. Especially when his wife even stated it was a private matter and that she had forgiven him.
     Regarding the worksheet we did in class on the Principles of Political Propaganda, I've notice them a lot more in daily life. One thing that I’ve really noticed is the "Testimonials" Principle. One Example would be the Subway commercials using athletes to advertise for them.

Because athletes are advertising for them it gives the appearance that there food is good for you, otherwise these amazing athletes wouldn't eat it.

III. How much do the celebrities get paid to say that they eat at Subway?

Web. 17 Oct 2010. <>.

Monday, October 11, 2010

"The Perfect Candidate"

I. The question from last week was, did Mike Wilsons Movie have as much of an effect on people as Michael Moore's movie? In 2005 New York International Independent Film & Video Festival Nominated Mike Wilson's for Audience award in the category Best Documentary. Michael Moore Was Nominated for an Academy Award in 2002 for Bowling for Columbine and in 2007 for American Sicko. He won in 2002. He was Also Nominated and won in 2002 at the Cannes Film Festival for the 55th Anniversary Prize for his movie "Bowling for Columbine". In 2004 He was nominated for Best Documentary at the Directors Guild of America for his movie Fahrenheit 9/11. He was nominated at The writers Guild of America in the years 2002 and 2007, for his movies American Sicko and Bowling for Columbine. As you can see unfortunately Michael Moore made more of an impact.

"The Perfect Candidate"

II. This week in class we started by filling out a work sheet on the background of the movie "The Perfect Candidate". We learned about Oliver North and that he was involved in the Iran-Contra Scandal. The movie we are watching seems to be made by someone on his side while for running for office. The person running against him is Chuck Robb. I find the fact that the movie is called the "Perfect Candidate" extremely ironic. On worksheet for class there was a question, what qualities are most important in a political candidate? In my opinion secretly selling arms to Iran doesn't qualify a person as a good candidate. In the movie he implies because he has admitted to doing it everything's okay now. This applies in daily life. If someone steals from a store but admits to it they aren't going to let that person run the store. Oliver North doesn't seem like someone America wants in any office.

III. Because we have finished the movie, we don't know whose won the office yet. So my question for today is will they let Oliver North help run the country?

Michael moores awards & nominations. (n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Double standard?

I. Last week’s question asked How important are ethics in today's society? If I watch the news will I find extremely bias edited video or will it truly sate the facts? As I watched I saw many of examples we have been talking about in class. One of the main things I’ve noticed was the Phantom Question. There were a lot of interviews where it only showed the answer and not what the interviewer asked.

II. This week in class we started to watch the movie "Michael Moore Hates America" by Mike Wilson. I am really enjoying this movie because, it's pointing out all of fallacies in Michael Moore's movie. But I started to wonder if it is a double standard? If you watch carefully Mike Wilson uses a lot of the same techniques as Michael Moore. As I was watching it I was more excepting of the techniques because he would point out the fact he was using them but say he felt bad about doing it; and used the clips any way. An example would be when Mike Wilson had told a person from Michael Moore home town he was doing an interview about small towns, to get him to say Michael Moore was from there. Then told the camera he felt bad for lying, sent a letter to the person apologizing, and then used the footage. But because he said he was sorry it didn’t seem as bad. Also Mike Wilson used the Guerilla Interview technique. When he ask Michael Moore his question during his rally the fact that he was filming caught Michael Moore off guard, then he replayed the response many times throughout the movie. In class we did a work sheet that points out even more techniques that Mike Wilson copies. Not only does he use Guerilla interview and phantom question but we also noticed him editing sound bites. These Techniques can also be applied to News casts, or political video. Because of this class I’ve started to notice it more on TV.

III. Did Mike Wilsons Movie have as much of an effect on people as Michael Moore's movie?

(n.d.). Retrieved from 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fact or Fiction?

I. We start off today by answering last weeks question. Would an add be appealing if it didn't have any form of loaded language or Fallacies? Would people buy a product if it truly only stated what the product did and how to use it? Over the past week I checked commercials and it seemed that every add had some form over loaded language or fallacies. Even Ben Stein's Clear eyes commercials use loaded language, "Clear eyes is AWESOME". If Ben Stein cant make a commercial with out loaded language I don't think its out there. 

II. This week in ethics class we watched the movie Bowling for Columbine. Though the movie is funny at times it's not always accurate. One of the main things we went over was the 'Pro-gun' Rally After Columbine didn't actually happen the way the movie portrayed it. If you watch closely the clip that says "from my cold dead hands" is actually a different day from the rally. They make out the rally to be this awful meeting disrespecting the event that happened when really Henston was required by law to hold this meeting by its non-profit charter from the state  of New York, so cancellation was impossible. More Information on the inaccuracy of this part of the movie can be found on The class made think about the fact if we didn't read the article from bowling for truth then I would have believe Michael Moore's Movie. Which shows me that you have to be very careful what you see on TV or read in magazines and news papers. 

III. How important are ethics in today's society? If i watch the news will i find extremely bias edited video or will it truly sate the facts?

ben stein clear eyes. (n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A New Beginning

I. Because this is the first post there is no thought-provoking question to answer from last time.

II. This week in class we learned about loaded language and Fallacies. Loaded Language is used to put a spin on things. There are two main forms of loaded language we focused on. Euphemisms which are intended by the speaker to be less offensive. An example would be saying someone passed away instead of saying they have died. The other was power words. Power words are used to get the persons attention. Examples are NEW, FREE. The next thing we learned about were Fallacies. A fallacy is an invalid argument. There are 22 different types of fallacies.

After learning about the loaded language and Fallacies I started to notice them more in advertisements. Then I started wondering if I want things I see on TV because I really think I'll use them or because the commercial convinced me I did. When we talked about the different types of fallacies in class, i thought about times they were used, that made me want to buy there product or help their cause. After all who has seen the SPCA commercials and not wanted to help or felt bad for not helping? Their Fallacy is Appeal to pity. You actually feel bad while watching it even though the SPCA doesn't put down any of their animals and has a good facility for them. This weeks class has made me more conscious about adds I see. I'll start rechecking to make sure what I'm buying is what I need not just something someone convinced me i need.

III. My Question for this week is, would an add be appealing if it didn't have any form of loaded language or Fallacies? Would people buy a product if it truly only stated what the product did and how to use it?