I. Last week’s question was how much do the celebrities get paid to say that they eat at Subway? Unfortunately I couldn't find the answer to that question. I did however find that Michael Phelps makes $5 million in endorsements. I don't think subway gives out information like how much they pay celebrities to endorse them.
N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct 2010. <http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_Michael_Phelps_make_in_endorsements
II. This week in class we were watching a documentary about Michael Moore coming to Utah to speak at a school. Utah is a very republican state. Michael Moore coming to Utah has made the state turn chaotic. Some of the people see Michael Moore as Anti-American and don't want him to come. Other people see it as un-American to take away freedom of speech and not let him talk. Debates have been held at the school so the students can express their opinion.
I can understand why the students wouldn't want Michael Moore to come, because I wouldn't want Michael Moore to come. I do think it's unfair to band someone from coming and talking though. If the student did want to hear him then they don't have to buy tickets to see him. The school wasn't requiring the students to listen so they don't really have a reason to be angry.
One thing that was mentioned in class was that the other speaker waved his fee, and Michael Moore didn't. I do think it would make more sense if they hired some on Michael Moore side that would also wave their fees also. That way the college isn't paying one side more money. However they are paying to bring the other speaker there and they didn't say how much his private jet was going to cost.
III. How many people went to see Michael Moore that day?
Web. 25 Oct 2010. <http://davegranlund.com/cartoons/wp-content/uploads/color-moore-capitalism-web.jpg>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct 2010. <http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_Michael_Phelps_make_in_endorsements
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