Sunday, June 5, 2011

Coming To an end

Because this I my last blog I’m going to also make up the other 2 blogs that I owe you at the moment.
The first blog I owe you is 4-4 I believe I think I turned in 4-3 but you marked it as 4-4 because I should have turned in 4-4 on that day. So… here is 4-4 J

I.                    Who is a famous scam artist that has been exposed? How were they exposed.
John Edward is a reason man that claims to be a psychic. He even has his own T.V. show that show his “psychic powers.
But there are many websites that prove him to be false. When reviewing his shows people noticed they found camera angle discontinuities, strange sound changes and answers from the audience that have nothing to do with what John Edward is saying. Guest at the show have even talked about the possibility that they are being watched and taped while they wait outside before the show and while they sit in the audience. John Edward is also accused of having "ringers" in the audience of his shows. These are people who are placed in the audience by John. It has 12-15 people have been seen at numerous shows getting out of a white van just before the show. These 12-15 enter the audience and sit at different locations, with no two people sitting together. He also charges $300 for personal readings.
N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.

II.                  The week in class I should have turned this blog in we watched a 30 day episode. This episode talked about outsourcing. The show sent a man whose job had been outsourced to India to learn more about outsourcing and to also work with the people who have outsourced jobs. At the beginning of the show he can’t stand the facts that jobs get outsourced but as he learns more about it he realizes how it helps their economy and that they actually need the jobs more.
An argument many have about outsourcing is that it reduces the amount of job opportunities in America. But the argument back is that the most outsourced job is telemarketing which most Americans wouldn’ t want to have as a job anyway, and why not give it to them and help their economy. Companies argue that it saves their companies money which could lower prices in America. One thing we learned from the video is that a man who manages a team of people can still only afford to live in a shack.

III.                What are some main outsourced companies?

N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.
Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.

And now on to the next blog I owe you (: I believe this is 4-6 maybe? Sorry about the out of orderness.

I.                    What are some main outsourced companies?
Well known global banks and financial organizations like CITIBANK, JP Morgan, GE Capital and lots more are outsourcing their products and services to India. In case of software solutions, IT giants like IBM, Microsoft and others provide outsourcing solutions. These companies even have their offices in various cities of India. Some of the main domestic players in the industry of outsourcing are Wipro, Infosys and so on. Some more well known companies which outsource to India are: Oracle, Dell Computer Support, Hewlett Packard, Schlumberge, ATT Wireless, Texas Electronics, TransUnion, Rand McNally.
N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.

II.                  The week in class I should have turned this one in we watched videos more about exposing scam artists. The week they were on people “talking to the dead”. After it showed people “extraordinarily talking to the dead” it pointed out that not everything was as it seemed. One of the psychic’s strait up asked one of the men who he wanted to reach before she started the program. Many of the “psychics” notice if they said something wrong biased on the reaction of the person they were talking to. If they did say something wrong they would quickly circle back by saying “but that’s unusual for them” or “which is really out of character for them”. They could convince people that what they were saying was right even  if it wasn’t. Another tactic some of them used was talking to a big group at one time that way someone would have some connection to what they were making up.  

III.                Some people believe that it is true that people are psychic because they can use all of their brain. Is it true that on average a human can only access 10% of their brain?

N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.

And now… my final and last blog to you J

I.                    Some people believe that it is true that people are psychic because they can use all of their brain. Is it true that on average a human can only access 10% of their brain?
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that we use only 10% of our brains. In other words, the statement, "We use only 10% of our brains" is false; it's a myth. We use all of our brain. Let's look at the possible origins of this myth and the evidence that we use all of our brain.
The 10% statement may have been started with a misquote of Albert Einstein or the misinterpretation of the work of Pierre Flourens in the 1800s. It may have been William James who wrote in 1908: "We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources" (from The Energies of Men, p. 12). Perhaps it was the work of Karl Lashley in the 1920s and 1930s that started it. Lashley removed large areas of the cerebral cortex in rats and found that these animals could still relearn specific tasks. We now know that destruction of even small areas of the human brain can have devastating effects on behavior. That is one reason why neurosurgeons must carefully map the brain before removing brain tissue during operations for epilepsy or brain tumors: they want to make sure that essential areas of the brain are not damaged.

N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.

II.                  This week in class you told us your life story, because sadly this year is coming to an end. Your story was adorable by the way. Because this is my last blog I just want to take the time to tell you that I really enjoyed having your class this year. Though these blogs weren’t my favorite thingJ. But I understand the meaning to them. My favorite documentary was the one with the troop greeters if you don’t keep any of the same documentaries next year keep that one. It was the most adorable video I had every seen. I also loved watching America hates Michael more after watching a Michael Moore Movie. Making our own Documentary was also one of my favorite parts of ethics.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us this year. Like putting up with me turning in blogs late.  Now this isn’t goodbye, because you should plan on me Kelsey and Cheyenne stopping by a lot next year to hear about what cool new thing you found online or how next year’s HIP is goingJ.

N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.
Web. 5 Jun 2011. <>.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Principles of Magic Journal 4-5

I.                   There are many similarities between Christianity and Islam. Both say that there is One God. And that God is sovereign, he rules history. The existence of Angels is another similarity. Islam and Christianity both have Prophets and prophecy (Including many of the same characters Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Jesus). Both believe in a Heaven and Hell and God's future judgment.
Although Muslims believe in one God, as do Christians, they reject as heresy that this one God is three persons. Jesus is given great honour in the Qu-ran, his status as a prophet and as a miracle-worker, even as God's Christ is strongly affirmed. But he's not God. In contrast the Bible is adamant that far from being just a created being, that Jesus is God himself become a human being.
N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2011. <>.

II.                This week in class we talked about the principles of magic.  We watched videos of different performers explaining the principles of magic and how they were used in tricks. We also watched a video of a magician that because he was able to understand magic he was able to expose scam artists. We then related magic to psychology.
Scam artists like horoscope writers and palms readers, can convince people that they are real by using vague prophases that could relate to anyone. If people wanted them to be real then they would convince themselves that the prophecy fit their life even if it didn’t.  There was one video that gave a classroom of kids a horoscope and asked them who in the class’ horoscope related to their life. They all raised their hands, they then asked them to switch the horoscopes and it turns out they all had the same one. This showed how vague horoscope could convince people it really is about their lives.
III.             Who is a famous scam artist that has been exposed? How were they exposed.

Web. 23 May 2011. <>. 
N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2011. <>.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 days numba 1 4-3

I.             For example, Jerusalem is the 3500 year old spiritual and national center of the Jewish people, where important early Jewish Temples stood, and the religion developed. It is also considered holy land in the Islamic and Christian religions. The land began being called Palestine by the Romans after the destruction of the second Jewish Temple of Jerusalem. There are those, who because of that, believe that the first Palestinians were the Jews, and the land should still be theirs to govern. After that, the early Christian Religion was also centered there, and more and more Christians made pilgrimages to the Holy Land, eventually added to the settlements there, and hold a strong connection with the area, as well. The Islamic religion is just as closely tied to the area as are the Jewish and Christian religions.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. <>.
Web. 15 May 2011. <>.

II.            This week in class we watched a 30days episode where a very Christian man stays with a Muslim family. The deal was the man would do everything the Muslim family did in order to learn more about their community. The point of this was to make the man and the world see that not all Muslims are terrorists. Terrorist is an extreme.
                Something I learned in Mr. Doyle’s leadership class was that Islamic extremists is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity.  One thing that I learned during the video was that Islam believe in the same god (they don’t believe that Jesus was the son of god) but the main god is the same. One thing that bugged me during the video was that he wouldn’t pray with them. I understand not knowing what they’re saying but I felt he could have prayed to his religion at the same time they were praying so he wasn’t just standing there staring at them.
III.           What is the main different between the two religions?    

N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. <>.
Web. 15 May 2011. <>.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Promises 4-2

I.                    How many children that receive the implant have two deaf parents? This is a hard question to be answered. Because of the laws of patient doctor confidentiality hospitals cant release any information regarding their patient or their family’s hearing status. They families can put out he information themselves if they choose. There were many websites of people angry about deaf parents not wanting their children to get the implant and angry deaf community not wanting children to get implants. Their however was no statistics that I could find of deaf parents allowing their children to get the implant.

N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr 2011. <>.

II.                  This week in class we watched a documentary called promises. It was about kids in different parts of the holy land. The film started with getting the children’s opinions on politics. Some of the children are Jewish and some of them are Palestinian. The children have been taught not to like each other. At first the children refuse to talk with each other. After a little persuading two Jewish boys and a Palestinian boy meet. The boys start to learn about each other’s opinions and become friends. At the end of the visit the boys get upset because they realize the directors of the movie will be leaving and they won’t be able to see each other.
It was sad to think that even though some of the next generation wants their worlds to change there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. The twin boys ended up joining their military and the Palestinian boy moved to America. To us it seems crazy that people could fight this long over land they could easily live together in. But both sides belong the land should belong to them.

III.                What are the reasons they feel the land belongs to them?

N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr 2011. <>.

Web. 27 Apr 2011. <>.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mind change

I.                    How many people have gotten a cochlear implant? The National Institutes of Health estimate that as many as 59,000 people worldwide have received cochlear implants, with roughly half of those in the pediatric population.
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr 2011. <>.

II.                  This week in class we finished the movie “Sound and Fury”. At the end of the movie the family with two deaf parents decided that their daughter would not get the implant and moved to a deaf community. That way they could live in their own safe world.
I was very mad at the parents by the end of the movie. I couldn’t understand why the parents wouldn’t want better for their daughter. They went through the struggles of trying to live in the hearing world and they didn’t want to help her through that. It really upset me.
After we finished we watched a fallow up video of the family a few years after. I’m very glad we watched it because the way the movie ended I couldn’t stand the parents.  The fallow up video showed that after a few years the parents changed their minds and let their daughter get the implant. The mother even got one. If the family had given it to her earlier her speech would have been better but I’m glad they still did it. What some people didn’t understand was you don’t have to leave your deafness behind. Take it off and you’re deaf again. She could help bring the two worlds together.

III.                How many children that receive the implant have two deaf parents?
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr 2011. <>.
Web. 3 Apr 2011. <>.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sound or no Sound?

I.                    How many kids are underage on facebook? It’s no secret that kids love social networking sites like Facebook.  But a new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that many of those kids aren’t supposed to be there at all. It turns out that tens of thousands of them are too young to be lingering in this cyber-hangout.  The report says that 46 percent of 12-year-olds in the United States are on Facebook despite the fact the social media site expressly prohibits anyone under the age of 13. The problem with that, of course, is that all a young person has to do is lie about his or her age. And, apparently that’s what a lot of them do. In fact, the Daily Telegraph in Australia reports that Facebook is kicking some 20,000 youngsters off the site a day.
N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>.

II.                  This week in class we watched a video on an implant that can make some deaf people hear again. There was a fully deaf family whose 5 year old daughter wanted the implant. There was also a fully hearing family who had twins and one of the twins was born deaf. The fully deaf family was first offended that their daughter wanted the implant. They felt as if she was rejecting them, that the way they are wasn’t good enough. The hearing family wanted their baby to get the implant.
It’s hard for hearing people to understand why a deaf person would not want to be able to hear. One thing we learned that I never thought about was that someone whose always been deaf, once they can hear again, doesn’t mean they can understand all of a sudden. It takes a long time before people are just making noise, if they ever do learn to understand. Heating people see being deaf as something horrible, but deaf people see it in a completely different way. I could understand however how they family with the twins wouldn’t want one of them to feel like they are anyway behind the other one.

III.                How many people have gotten a cochlear implant.

Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>. 
 N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>.

Grownig up on the Internet

I.             Does anyone know the name of the Tank man? Tank Man, or the Unknown Rebel, is the nickname of an anonymous man who stood in front of a column of Chinese Type 59 tanks the morning after the Chinese military forcibly removed protestors from in and around Beijing's Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989. The man achieved widespread international recognition due to the videotape and photographs taken of the incident. Despite his anonymity, he is commonly (though not necessarily correctly) referred to in Chinese as Wang Weilin (王維林), as dubbed by a Sunday Express article. This was reported by only one journalist, and no credible other source has emerged since then (1989). It might remain a mystery forever.
N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>.

Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>.
II.            This week in class we talked about kids growing up on the internet. We watched a documentary of parents being too strict about their kids on the internet and some being too loose. There was one girl who was post pictures of herself in lingerie. When her parents first caught her they made her delete it but later we learned that they let her make a new cite and put them up again. We also learned about a mom who put their computer in the kitchen so she could always see what her kids were doing on the computer. She also was trying to get their kids passwords to their facebook so she could log on and read everything on it. In my opinion both these parents are crazy. There is much better ways to handle your kids on the internet. Because parents didn’t grow up with it they don’t always understand it. Some parts of the internet can be scary like your daughter posting pictures of herself in lingerie. They way my parents handle it is they have facebook and have me as a friend. They can see what people post on my wall but they can’t write anything as me. They also realize what people post on my wall isn’t something I said so they don’t blame me if one of my friends writes something they wouldn’t want me to say. I feel like my parents are less controlling over my use of the internet if the understand it, so I teach them how to use it.

Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>.

III. How many kids are underage on facebook?

Web. 27 Mar 2011. <>. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tank Man

I.                    What are the differences between the Tutsis and the Hutus? More recent studies have de-emphasized physical appearance, such as height and nose width, in favor of examining blood factors, the presence of the sickle cell trait, lactose intolerance in adults, and other genotype expressions.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar 2011. <>.

II.                  This week in class we watched a movie on china. The video was about how a small group of protesters grew into a large group. The group stayed peaceful but the government didn’t. The small protest ended up turning into a full out massacre of innocent people. One person we learned about was a man they called “Tank Man”. A fleet of tanks were driving into the city to “clear it out”. An everyday man stood in front of the tanks. They stop for a short time. When they started to move and he stayed in front of them. After a few minutes he was rushed out of the street and the tanks moved forward.
Even though the man in the story could stop the massacre, he risked his life to try. He knew that what was about to happen needed to stop so he did what he thought needed to be done. The tanks could have easily run over the man. They were sent to kill the people any way, but for some reason they stop. China is a place you don’t think about a massacre happening, because now they seem so advanced.

III.                Does anyone know the name of the Tank man?

Web. 15 Mar 2011. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar 2011. <>.