Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 days numba 1 4-3

I.             For example, Jerusalem is the 3500 year old spiritual and national center of the Jewish people, where important early Jewish Temples stood, and the religion developed. It is also considered holy land in the Islamic and Christian religions. The land began being called Palestine by the Romans after the destruction of the second Jewish Temple of Jerusalem. There are those, who because of that, believe that the first Palestinians were the Jews, and the land should still be theirs to govern. After that, the early Christian Religion was also centered there, and more and more Christians made pilgrimages to the Holy Land, eventually added to the settlements there, and hold a strong connection with the area, as well. The Islamic religion is just as closely tied to the area as are the Jewish and Christian religions.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. <>.
Web. 15 May 2011. <>.

II.            This week in class we watched a 30days episode where a very Christian man stays with a Muslim family. The deal was the man would do everything the Muslim family did in order to learn more about their community. The point of this was to make the man and the world see that not all Muslims are terrorists. Terrorist is an extreme.
                Something I learned in Mr. Doyle’s leadership class was that Islamic extremists is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity.  One thing that I learned during the video was that Islam believe in the same god (they don’t believe that Jesus was the son of god) but the main god is the same. One thing that bugged me during the video was that he wouldn’t pray with them. I understand not knowing what they’re saying but I felt he could have prayed to his religion at the same time they were praying so he wasn’t just standing there staring at them.
III.           What is the main different between the two religions?    

N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. <>.
Web. 15 May 2011. <>.

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