Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Promises 4-2

I.                    How many children that receive the implant have two deaf parents? This is a hard question to be answered. Because of the laws of patient doctor confidentiality hospitals cant release any information regarding their patient or their family’s hearing status. They families can put out he information themselves if they choose. There were many websites of people angry about deaf parents not wanting their children to get the implant and angry deaf community not wanting children to get implants. Their however was no statistics that I could find of deaf parents allowing their children to get the implant.

N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr 2011. <>.

II.                  This week in class we watched a documentary called promises. It was about kids in different parts of the holy land. The film started with getting the children’s opinions on politics. Some of the children are Jewish and some of them are Palestinian. The children have been taught not to like each other. At first the children refuse to talk with each other. After a little persuading two Jewish boys and a Palestinian boy meet. The boys start to learn about each other’s opinions and become friends. At the end of the visit the boys get upset because they realize the directors of the movie will be leaving and they won’t be able to see each other.
It was sad to think that even though some of the next generation wants their worlds to change there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. The twin boys ended up joining their military and the Palestinian boy moved to America. To us it seems crazy that people could fight this long over land they could easily live together in. But both sides belong the land should belong to them.

III.                What are the reasons they feel the land belongs to them?

N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr 2011. <>.

Web. 27 Apr 2011. <>.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mind change

I.                    How many people have gotten a cochlear implant? The National Institutes of Health estimate that as many as 59,000 people worldwide have received cochlear implants, with roughly half of those in the pediatric population.
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr 2011. <>.

II.                  This week in class we finished the movie “Sound and Fury”. At the end of the movie the family with two deaf parents decided that their daughter would not get the implant and moved to a deaf community. That way they could live in their own safe world.
I was very mad at the parents by the end of the movie. I couldn’t understand why the parents wouldn’t want better for their daughter. They went through the struggles of trying to live in the hearing world and they didn’t want to help her through that. It really upset me.
After we finished we watched a fallow up video of the family a few years after. I’m very glad we watched it because the way the movie ended I couldn’t stand the parents.  The fallow up video showed that after a few years the parents changed their minds and let their daughter get the implant. The mother even got one. If the family had given it to her earlier her speech would have been better but I’m glad they still did it. What some people didn’t understand was you don’t have to leave your deafness behind. Take it off and you’re deaf again. She could help bring the two worlds together.

III.                How many children that receive the implant have two deaf parents?
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr 2011. <>.
Web. 3 Apr 2011. <>.