Wednesday, February 9, 2011

right or wrong?

I.             Who is known most for doing the greatest good? It’s hard to say who has done the most good for the world because it’s hard to decide what is the greater good. Many people might say Gandhi did the greater good for most people. He gave India independence after all the other countries looking down on it. Although he got imprisoned for his hero work many times he never gave up and in the end he got there. Gandhi is India’s most influential person. And so their opinion of his is good. But on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, Hitler’s followers believe he was doing a good thing. We know it was a horrible thing but to them it was for their greater good.

II.            This week in class we talked about compassion. We discussed both the religious and scientific sides of compassion. We also talked about the golden rule and other rules. The golden rule is the well known saying “treat others the way you want to be treated”. But there are some other rules we learned about too. The Silver rule is “Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.” The Brass or Brazen Rule, “Do unto others as they do unto you”. The Iron rule, “Do unto others as you like, before they do it unto you. The Tin rule, “Suck up to those above you, and abuse those below”. And the Tit-for-Tat rule, “Cooperate with others first, then do unto them as they do unto you.
                We discussed the differences between them and which was more effective. We found some holes in the rules. From the golden rule someone mentioned that not everyone wants to be treated the same way. For the silver rule, many people thought though it was close to the golden rule it was too negative. For the Brass or Brazen rule, the quote from Gandhi “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” was said.  For the Iron rule, you could be starting problems that weren’t evening going to come up but, you were afraid they would happen. The problem with the Tin Rule is that is that you never know when your work situations are going to change. You could end up working for someone you abused. The Tit-for-Tat has a problem when you double cross the person you may end up needing them again in the future and they’re not going to want to help you.
III. Who are some people who believed in or against these rules?   

N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb 2011.
Web. 9 Feb 2011. <>.

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