I. How many kids are underage on facebook? It’s no secret that kids love social networking sites like Facebook. But a new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that many of those kids aren’t supposed to be there at all. It turns out that tens of thousands of them are too young to be lingering in this cyber-hangout. The report says that 46 percent of 12-year-olds in the United States are on Facebook despite the fact the social media site expressly prohibits anyone under the age of 13. The problem with that, of course, is that all a young person has to do is lie about his or her age. And, apparently that’s what a lot of them do. In fact, the Daily Telegraph in Australia reports that Facebook is kicking some 20,000 youngsters off the site a day.
N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar 2011. <http://jjie.org/kids-parents-and-the-law/facebook-banning-underage-kids-every-day>.
II. This week in class we watched a video on an implant that can make some deaf people hear again. There was a fully deaf family whose 5 year old daughter wanted the implant. There was also a fully hearing family who had twins and one of the twins was born deaf. The fully deaf family was first offended that their daughter wanted the implant. They felt as if she was rejecting them, that the way they are wasn’t good enough. The hearing family wanted their baby to get the implant.
It’s hard for hearing people to understand why a deaf person would not want to be able to hear. One thing we learned that I never thought about was that someone whose always been deaf, once they can hear again, doesn’t mean they can understand all of a sudden. It takes a long time before people are just making noise, if they ever do learn to understand. Heating people see being deaf as something horrible, but deaf people see it in a completely different way. I could understand however how they family with the twins wouldn’t want one of them to feel like they are anyway behind the other one.
III. How many people have gotten a cochlear implant.
Web. 27 Mar 2011. <http://www.willmar.k12.mn.us/kennedy/sites/default/files/deaf2.jpg>.
Web. 27 Mar 2011. <http://www.willmar.k12.mn.us/kennedy/sites/default/files/deaf2.jpg>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar 2011. <http://jjie.org/kids-parents-and-the-law/facebook-banning-underage-kids-every-day>.